Varicose veins the legs in women: symptoms, causes and treatment

I welcome you to today we will talk about the scourge, which often plagued even the young women, and men are not bypasses. Varicose veins the legs in women – is an insidious disease. It is important to recognize this in the beginning, when the symptoms of easily treatment.

varicose veins the legs in women

In article I will tell you how to understand that you do not have all the time in the veins, which provokes the disease, which in the zone of risk. You can also get to know how to eat better, that varicose veins are advanced, and most importantly – introduces how to treat varicose veins the legs in women.

The symptoms of varicose veins

Often the women have the first symptoms of the disease, write off to feel uncomfortable in the shoes, heels and heat. But it is important to notice the first "bells" and at the right time treatment start.

The main symptoms of varicose veins is the lower extremities can be distinguished:

  • Swelling of the feet and hands. While the swell may both feet at the same time, so individually.
  • Burning sensation and abundance is the shins.
  • Look low in the eyes varicose veins on the legs. Especially have noticed it, if the skin on the feet is highly delicate and light.
  • "Starlet" and the pigmentation of the lower extremities.
  • Jalalihas of cramps, especially at night.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the legs, especially in the evening.
  • Veins on the legs become visible to the naked eye. They acquire such a twisty curved ropes with knots.
  • The inner surface of the calf become tight, the skin is on top – shiny and the hair on this site may drop out.
  • Bruises and wounds a long time will improve. From the slightest damage to the bruising. May occur in skin ulcers of the lower extremities.
  • Pain in the veins than by palpation.

After the physical load, or for a long stay on the feet symptoms of the disease increase. Do not pull on the treatment, if have found yourself at least two features of the disease. In the photo below you can see their acquaintances, that all the nodes in the veins. I think that you have not seen it convex figure feet a beautiful half of humanity.

Varicose veins – this is a serious disease that may cause the clogging of varicose veins and blood clots. Therefore, it is important to know how dangerous varicose veins and the time to start to treat it.

Complications of varicose veins of the

If the disease is not treated, it may give rise to the following problems:

  • Venous blood samples for the case feet.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Trophic ulcer.
  • Bleeding.
  • Gangrene.

Don't want to scare you, dear readers, but if the varicose veins disease of the feet increased thrombophlebitis or thrombosis, the risk of a deadly outcome if a blood clot suddenly come out of the blood and the groove in hit heart. Therefore, it is important to know, why will appear varicose veins in both women and men to prevention.

The cause of varicose veins

The culprits at the beginning of the problems the ship feet may be as hereditary factors, as and related diseases, lifestyle. Let's see what happens to the varicose veins ven yet.

Varicose veins in the legs may cause:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • The work is mostly standing or sitting.
  • The excessive weight.
  • Physical activity is the lack of the workload.
  • Excessive physical load on the feet.
  • Increased harmful cholesterol.
  • High blood sugar level.
  • Bad habits.
  • Drinking alcohol in excess is beverages that contain caffeine.
  • The wrong diet, falling in love with bold and high-calorie food, fast food.

Lifestyle can affect the disease. The fact of the matter is that the long-term stay in a static position, either standing or sitting, causing sluggish circulation of blood in the lower extremities. Why this is so important to make breaks, exercise and regular sports.

Also love the tight shoes heels, uncomfortable wash can promote the disease begins. Prevention of varicose veins, even if there are hereditary factors, must have the right lifestyle, filled with diet and feasible physical activity. We all know that bad habits do not help health, including blood vessels.

Varicose veins are the future mothers

Special mention deserves the varicose veins during pregnancy. The fact of the matter is that future mothers get into a special zone of risk. Because of the first diseases for which varicose veins may present even more of such a young age. Why the expectation of the child may cause problems for vessels in the feet?

signs of varicose veins
  • Newest intentionally of pregnancy find, the flow of blood in veins due to abdominal pressure. Simply put, it is swollen to the size of the abdomen pressing on the blood vessels.
  • During pregnancy changes the hormonal status of women. Some hormones affect the stagnation in the blood, thereby increasing the extensibility of blood vessels walls.

Fortunately, the problems veresoontega feet may leave immediately after the birth of the child. But in some cases, if there are genetic factors or other unfavorable conditions, the disease may begin to develop. If the doctor recommends you use a special packing of laundry, listen to his recommendations.

How to treat varicose veins

After this, as is indicated in the diagnosis, a physician usually determines the treatment. The first sign of the disease itself can be purchased in pharmacies or on the internet special ointments or creams.

But if the serious stage of the disease it is important to choose the right treatment. Varicose veins disease ven today are treated as through outside methods, to so-and-through tablets. If serious symptoms are shown, surgical treatment, sclerotherapy, laser treatment.

Each treatment is directed at complications prevention, reduction, pain symptoms, slip-and-puffiness, blood circulation improvement in the vessels of the feet. Result maintain doctor determines the packing of laundry and special gymnastics.

The most frequently first of all, the doctor will determine the tablets and ointments. Ointments have different ingredients and is particularly designed to solve the following problems:

  • Eliminate the weakness of the vascular walls.
  • Prevent blood clots from occurring.
  • Return to normal work of valves of venous system condition to specify.
  • Reduce pain and swelling.
  • Healed trophic ulcers.
  • Hinder the education of vascular asterisks.

If you are using ointments and gels important – regularity. But sometimes happens so, that the drug treatment can not be avoided. It can be called as disease in the initial stage, when after the surgical intervention.

What are the effects of the pills varicose veins of

  • Reduce the broken blood circulation in the lower extremities.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Reduce the inflammatory phenomenon.
  • The normalization of the blood path in feet.

But no matter how strong also did not have the medicine, if serious violations of blood circulation in the lower extremities it may be ineffective. Good corn itself laser treatment but also surgical treatment. However, such treatment shall be determined by a doctor. It is important to remember, that after the removal of nodes varicose veins, you need to make every effort to healthy blood vessels again not affected by the disease.

How to properly eat, when the varicose

No matter what kind of treatment you are not designated, essential to follow certain diet infringements of venous blood circulation. Special food is not only help you avoid this terrible illness, but help prevent complications.

Meal, if of varicose veins includes the following rules:

  • Eat more vegetables, especially raw. Vitamins and trace elements not only strengthen the blood vessels, but to evacuate their harmful cholesterol levels. Vegetables are rich is fiber, so don't forget to add in your daily diet.
  • Eat cider vinegar. Per day is necessary to drink 2-4 tablespoons of cider vinegar. Pre-dissolve 2 tablespoons of product into the water and take 1-2 times a day. Use only apple cider vinegar, do not mix!
  • Every day eat fruit and berries. Winter – dried fruits. Bio-flavonoids, which are rich in these natural gifts, encourage vascular health.
  • Add to your diet nuts and legumes.
  • Regularly eat seafood.
  • Cabbage cereals also have a positive effect on blood vessels.
  • Don't forget, botanical oils. Especially olive oil, pumpkin, linseed.
  • Limit or avoid fried, smoked and too sharp foods and dishes.
  • Fatty food eating also can increase the health of ships.
  • Salty foods also should be excluded, because the swelling only deteriorate the situation.
  • Alcohol and a large amount of caffeine if the varicose contraindicated.

The abundance of the diet of fresh fruits and vegetables prevents constipation, which is important for good blood circulation. Also diseases of varicose veins is important in regulating weight. Obesity creates complications the ships. Therefore, it is balanced nutrition and normalizes body weight and general condition of varicose veins.

What are the contraindications, if disease ven

treatment of varicose veins

If there is a disease, is varicose has its own limitations. If problems veresoontega feet try to keep in mind the following points:

  • Some time after the birth you can't do hormonal contraceptives. They affect blood clotting.
  • You can't make cellulite massage, including the vacuum-and honey.
  • Out of weight lifting.
  • Do not wear a rocker heels taller 4 see
  • A narrow, slimming wash and dress – all are prohibited.
  • Don't sit in the leg over the foot.
  • Prohibited wax hair removal heated skin.
  • Do not visit sauna, sauna and solarium.